Must be Registed for the current season and have a login ID and password to sign up for volunteer shifts. Go here to sign up for your job of choice.
To Signup for a Volunteer Job
1. From the home page, select the “Schedules” menu, and then select “Swim Meets”
2. Scroll down to the meet you are interesting in and select the green “Job Signup” button to the right.
3. Each parent is listed separately. Select the green “Signup for Jobs” button for the parent who is volunteering.
4. You will see a list of jobs for that meet. Filled jobs will be grayed out. Available jobs will have a box to check if you wish to volunteer.
5. After you have made your selection(s), select “Save Assignments”
6. You will return to the Job Assignments screen for the meet you selected. Repeat steps 3-5 for another parent or select the green “Back to Swim Meets” link to return to the list of swim meets.